
How Rasa is revolutionising conversational AI

How Rasa is revolutionising conversational AI 1920 1080 Rebecca Christie

In this podcast with Alan Nichol, co-founder of Rasa, we chat about the rapidly evolving world of conversational AI and a game changing framework for creating natural conversations.

From the rise of ChatGPT to the death of intent classification, Alan shares insights into how modern AI systems, like Rasa’s CALM approach, are reshaping enterprise workflows and user experiences.

Alan shares how Rasa’s innovative platform integrates large language models with structured business logic, and is able to deliver robust, reliable, and natural conversations. Alan highlights the balance between deterministic workflows and flexible AI, debunking myths about agentic AI and discussing the critical role of context and understanding.

This episode is packed with actionable insights and a visionary outlook on where the industry is headed!


In this episode

00:00 Introduction
03:21 Welcome Alan Nichol
05:16 What has changed in Rasa since 2022
06:59 Concept of Agentic AI
10:29 Using intents
12:33 No intent landscape
19:53 The most challenging parts for conversation designers
24:10 Abstracting dialogue management
27:45 Two meanings of intents
29:20 The business process
35:21 General trends in enterprise adoption of LLMs
43:00 Classification and Intents
49:20 Where conversation design is going
52:56 Outro

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