
ai assistant

Seven key insights from creating an award-winning AI chatbot

Seven key insights from creating an award-winning AI chatbot 1920 1080 Ben McCulloch

You may have been put off by overhyped and under-delivering bots in the past, however there is now concrete proof that AI assistants can deliver huge returns on their investment.

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Scaling debt recovery with an AI assistant – a success story

Scaling debt recovery with an AI assistant – a success story 1920 1080 Ben McCulloch

Find out how a chatbot built by VUX World reduced query resolution times to 2 ½ minutes (saving 400 agent hours in under a year) and improved CSAT by 30%.

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The killer combo: How your AI assistant can save costs AND generate revenue

The killer combo: How your AI assistant can save costs AND generate revenue 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

There are a lot of digital assistants designed for customer support. That has value. If you’re taking tasks off your live agent’s plate, then you’re helping them focus on more…

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