

Why conversational AI should be accessible by design

Why conversational AI should be accessible by design 2560 1563 Ben McCulloch

Discover the importance of making conversational assistants more accessible for individuals with accessibility needs or impairments.

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Hyper-personalised voice AI with Laetitia Cailleteau, Accenture

Hyper-personalised voice AI with Laetitia Cailleteau, Accenture 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Laetitia Cailleteau shares all about what Accenture is doing in voice AI and about its hyper-personalised voice AI patent.

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Hacking speech systems

Hacking speech systems 863 647 Kane Simms

Why speech recognition systems struggle with accents, how you can hack your training data, and the importance of solving ASR at a platform level.

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Why Alexa doesn’t understand your accent

Why Alexa doesn’t understand your accent 1576 1182 Kane Simms

In a study by Uswitch, it was found that Irish, Welsh and Scottish accents are the hardest for voice assistants like Alexa to understand. Here’s why Alexa doesn’t understand your accent.

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Accessibility is usability with Sierra Fontana and Carissa Merrill

Accessibility is usability with Sierra Fontana and Carissa Merrill 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Diving deep into how the US Bank approach accessibility for voice with Sierra Fontana and Carissa Merrill of US Bank. Listen on: Apple podcasts | Spotify | YouTube | Overcast…

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Connecting the Dots with Ruby Steel and Will Merrill

Connecting the Dots with Ruby Steel and Will Merrill 1800 1200 Kane Simms

This week, we’re finding out how Ruby Steel and Will Merrill made Alexa more accessible for Susan as part of BBC 2’s Big Life Fix.

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