
Agony Agent

ChatGPT’s ‘strategies for success’ look familiar to us!

ChatGPT’s ‘strategies for success’ look familiar to us! 1792 1024 Ben McCulloch

When Open AI released their ‘Six strategies for getting better results’ in Dec 2023, anyone who has worked in conversational AI must have thought oh, that looks familiar! The blog…

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The end of role play in conversation design?

The end of role play in conversation design? 1260 720 Ben McCulloch

There’s a common practice in conversation design, where a design team will role play a conversation with the intention of identifying common conversational patterns, and distilling that down into an…

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It still takes effort to make a really good assistant

It still takes effort to make a really good assistant 1920 1080 Ben McCulloch

Come on then conversation designers – who’s bored by the lack of challenges in our industry? What, nobody? It’s no surprise really. We conversation designers have to be comfy with…

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