
digital transformation

How to find success with voice automation

How to find success with voice automation 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Here’s a high level overview of the kind of value you can find with voice assistants for CX automation, and how to set yourself up for success.

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You’ll build your first chatbot twice with Orlando Gadea, Stanley Black and Decker

You’ll build your first chatbot twice with Orlando Gadea, Stanley Black and Decker 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Orlando Gadea, Stanley Black and Decker joins us to share his experience in managing conversational AI digital transformation programmes and why you’ll end up building your first bot twice.

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AI: beyond cost saving

AI: beyond cost saving 1640 924 Kane Simms

Why do businesses invest in AI? Most people would say it’s to save cost. Cynics would say it’s to replace all humans with machines (which basically saves costs 🙄). But…

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Challenges we currently face in conversation design

Challenges we currently face in conversation design 1640 924 Brian Smith

Brian Smith, Sr Product Manager, Intuit, shares his research into the top challenges faced by conversational AI teams in 2022.

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Using AI to improve business processes with Scotty Technologies’ Roland Hallebeek and Reiner Bruns

Using AI to improve business processes with Scotty Technologies’ Roland Hallebeek and Reiner Bruns 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Process automation in recruitment, healthcare and retail using conversational AI.

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Genesys on conversational AI with VP, Product Marketing, Elcenora Martinez

Genesys on conversational AI with VP, Product Marketing, Elcenora Martinez 1800 1200 Kane Simms

One of the world’s largest cloud CX players, Genesys, on the current and future of AI-driven customer engagement, with VP Product Marketing, Elcenora Martinez.

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AI-driven real time guidance for call centre agents with Balto CEO, Marc Bernstein

AI-driven real time guidance for call centre agents with Balto CEO, Marc Bernstein 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Many have tried and failed to use AI for live call centre agent assist. Marc Bernstein shares how it’s done right.

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Why digital transformation has always been about voice, with Frank Schneider, CEO, Speakeasy AI

Why digital transformation has always been about voice, with Frank Schneider, CEO, Speakeasy AI 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Frank Schneider joins us for a record 3rd time to share insights on why digital transformation has always been about voice, and discusses Speakeasy AI’s Speech-to-Intent patent.

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You’re thinking about conversational AI all wrong

You’re thinking about conversational AI all wrong 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Here’s why you’re thinking about conversational AI all wrong and why it’s more transformative than you think.

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Is innovating first worth it?

Is innovating first worth it? 2470 1274 Kane Simms

Is being first to adopt conversational AI worth it? Or should you wait? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEkW2rAkUdo The people that go first tend to make mistakes that the rest of the market can…

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