
AI-driven real time guidance for call centre agents with Balto CEO, Marc Bernstein

AI-driven real time guidance for call centre agents with Balto CEO, Marc Bernstein 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Many have tried and failed to use AI for live call centre agent assist. Marc Bernstein shares how it’s done right.


AI for live agent assist; real time guidance

It’s hard enough designing conversational AI agents that understand single line utterances and are able to string together a conversation with a person. Try monitoring both a caller and an agent having a two way conversation and understanding it to the extend that you’re able to offer real time, in the moment, accurate guidance to the call handler.

This is exactly what Balto does. We chat to CEO, Marc Bernstein, about where the idea for Balto came from, how he went about creating the company, the business and technical challenges he and the team had to overcome and we get into details on how the Balto solution is helping contact centre agents be more productive.



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