
Call centres

‘Cobots’ with Lisa Michaud, Product Director, Interactions

‘Cobots’ with Lisa Michaud, Product Director, Interactions 1600 1200 Kane Simms

How humans and bots working together in real time can lead to epic customer experiences.

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Making up for lost revenue with AI with Brian Jeppesen, Landry’s Restaurants

Making up for lost revenue with AI with Brian Jeppesen, Landry’s Restaurants 1540 800 Kane Simms

A case study on how Brian Jeppesen and Landry’s restaurants automated upward of 85% of calls using AI.

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Bringing conversational commerce to life with Brian Podolak, CEO, Vocodia

Bringing conversational commerce to life with Brian Podolak, CEO, Vocodia 1600 1200 Kane Simms

A deep conversation about how Vocodia is automating voice commerce use cases in the call centre.

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The value of emotional AI with Rana Gujral, CEO, Behavioral Signals

The value of emotional AI with Rana Gujral, CEO, Behavioral Signals 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Learn how this deep learning technology is generating increased revenue and improved customer outcomes.

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Genesys on conversational AI with VP, Product Marketing, Elcenora Martinez

Genesys on conversational AI with VP, Product Marketing, Elcenora Martinez 1800 1200 Kane Simms

One of the world’s largest cloud CX players, Genesys, on the current and future of AI-driven customer engagement, with VP Product Marketing, Elcenora Martinez.

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AI-driven real time guidance for call centre agents with Balto CEO, Marc Bernstein

AI-driven real time guidance for call centre agents with Balto CEO, Marc Bernstein 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Many have tried and failed to use AI for live call centre agent assist. Marc Bernstein shares how it’s done right.

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Why digital transformation has always been about voice, with Frank Schneider, CEO, Speakeasy AI

Why digital transformation has always been about voice, with Frank Schneider, CEO, Speakeasy AI 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Frank Schneider joins us for a record 3rd time to share insights on why digital transformation has always been about voice, and discusses Speakeasy AI’s Speech-to-Intent patent.

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Google CCAI with Antony Passemard

Google CCAI with Antony Passemard 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Head of Conversational AI and Contact Center at Google Cloud, Antony Passemard, joins us to share all about Google CCAI.

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Integrating ANY bot from ANY framework into ANY contact centre with Ilan Avner, AudioCodes

Integrating ANY bot from ANY framework into ANY contact centre with Ilan Avner, AudioCodes 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Voicebots for customer service are in increasing demand, but how do you actually integrate one into a contact centre?

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Creating human-like voice bots for IVR with Einav Itamar

Creating human-like voice bots for IVR with Einav Itamar 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Einav Itamar is the founder and CEO of Voca.ai, a technology company specialising in IVR automation using conversational AI. He joins Dustin and Kane to chat about how to create…

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