
‘Cobots’ with Lisa Michaud, Product Director, Interactions

‘Cobots’ with Lisa Michaud, Product Director, Interactions 1600 1200 Kane Simms

How humans and bots working together in real time can lead to epic customer experiences.

Supporting Ukraine

The VoiceLunch Foundation is taking donations to help support the voice lunch and voice technology community in Ukraine. VUX World has, of course, donated. I plead with you to donate too.

Donate here

Presented by Deepgram and Symbl.ai

Presented by DeepgramDeepgram is a Speech Company whose goal is to have every voice heard and understood. We have revolutionized speech-to-text (STT) with an End-to-End Deep Learning platform. This AI architectural advantage means you don’t have to compromise on speed, accuracy, scalability, or cost to build the next big idea in voice. Our easy-to-use SDKs and APIs allow developers to quickly test and embed our STT solution into their voice products. For more information, visit:

Presented by Symbl.aiSee how easy it is to add simple but powerful call coaching and call tracking functionality to your customer experience solutions with Symbl.ai’s customizable Conversation Intelligence APIs. From calls to videos to text conversations — apply best in class contextual AI in no time by getting started for free.


Cobots: real time human and AI assistance

By now, you know that implementing a conversational AI strategy isn’t child’s play. It’s pretty hard work. And there are many moving parts that need to align to create a digital assistant that does what your customers need it to. Language classification at scale, catering for multiple languages, scaling across channels, tools, systems, data; do you outsource the whole thing or do it yourself? So many questions.

To dive into this and shed some light on how you should approach it, and how humans and bots working together in real time can lead to epic customer experiences, we’re joined by Lisa Michaud, Product Director, Interactions.


00:00 Intro and welcome Deepgram and Symbl.ai

Register for The end of ‘Can you repeat that?’ webinar

Sign up to ‘The Easy Way to Integrate Voicebots with Your Customer Service Solution’ webinar

04:45 About Lisa Michaud and Interactions
13:20 The challenges of natural language understanding
15:31 Humans and bots working together: co-bots
21:47 Further blending of humans and AI for tasks
25:35 Multi and Omni channel AI
29:00 Frailties of voice channel
32:30 Where to begin with multi and omni channel AI
38:35 Vertical vs horizontal domain AI
42:00 Time to deployment and importance of discovery
46:52 Balance of control vs complexity
51:06 Managing inflated expectations of AI
59:50 The future of context
1:04:30 Outro


Register for The end of ‘Can you repeat that?’ webinar

Sign up to ‘The Easy Way to Integrate Voicebots with Your Customer Service Solution’ webinar

Check out the ConversationalInteraction conference

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