

Open AI vs Google: a headline you’d never have dreamed of

Open AI vs Google: a headline you’d never have dreamed of 1024 1024 Kane Simms

With the launch of ChatGPT, OpenAI hasn’t just managed to make a big splash in the AI community. It’s managed to break out of that community and hit almost every…

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Finding the unfindable with Lucy AI’s Dan Mallin

Finding the unfindable with Lucy AI’s Dan Mallin 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Find out how brands like Pepsi is democratising its internal knowledge search with Dan Mallin, CEO, Lucy AI.

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The Rundown: What’s Algolia upto?

The Rundown: What’s Algolia upto? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Learn how Algolia is stepping up the conversational search game with its new suite of products.

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