

Seven key insights from creating an award-winning AI chatbot

Seven key insights from creating an award-winning AI chatbot 1920 1080 Ben McCulloch

You may have been put off by overhyped and under-delivering bots in the past, however there is now concrete proof that AI assistants can deliver huge returns on their investment.

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Scaling debt recovery with an AI assistant – a success story

Scaling debt recovery with an AI assistant – a success story 1920 1080 Ben McCulloch

Find out how a chatbot built by VUX World reduced query resolution times to 2 ½ minutes (saving 400 agent hours in under a year) and improved CSAT by 30%.

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Customer and Agent Perspectives on Enterprise AI Adoption in 2024

Customer and Agent Perspectives on Enterprise AI Adoption in 2024 1792 1024 Ben McCulloch

You’re reading this because you have an interest in conversational AI. You’ve probably embraced it and already use it in your work. How do other people feel about AI though?…

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8 top AI use cases for contact centres

8 top AI use cases for contact centres 1022 720 Kane Simms

I recently gave a talk at a webinar, hosted by Servion and Cisco, where I laid out the top use cases for AI in the contact centre. I’ll share them…

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AI Design Principles

AI Design Principles 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Make consistently effective design decisions & improve user experience of AI services by adopting these AI Design Principles within your team and organisation.

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10 differences between small language models (SLM) and large language models (LLMs) for enterprise AI

10 differences between small language models (SLM) and large language models (LLMs) for enterprise AI 1920 1080 Kane Simms

With all this talk about large language models, you’d be forgiven for thinking that they’re going to solve the world’s problems. All we need is more data and more computing…

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The changing role of the AI-enabled contact centre

The changing role of the AI-enabled contact centre 1260 720 Kane Simms

I was recently at an event organised by Kore.ai in The Shard. A lovely spot where I had the pleasure of facilitating a workshop on large language models vs small…

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Whose job is prompt design?

Whose job is prompt design? 1920 1080 Rebecca Christie

This article was written by Benjamin McCulloch, Content and Conversation Designer at VUX World. It seems there isn’t agreement within the Conversational AI industry about who should be responsible for…

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Is it safe to use LLMs in a healthcare setting?

Is it safe to use LLMs in a healthcare setting? 1792 1024 Ben McCulloch

You may be tempted to say no. There’s two obvious reasons why; LLMs hallucinate (which could mean that nonsense or simply incorrect health advice would be generated) and they can…

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Balancing Tech Advancements with a Human Touch in Customer Service

Balancing Tech Advancements with a Human Touch in Customer Service 1792 1024 Ben McCulloch

How do you adapt to technological advancements while maintaining a human touch? AI is great at routine and easy to accomplish tasks, whereas humans can analyse and adjust when the…

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