

Conversations Squared #4 Dr Joan Palmiter Bajorek

Conversations Squared #4 Dr Joan Palmiter Bajorek 2380 2380 Ben McCulloch

Dr Joan Palmiter Bajorek is easily one of the best known people in conversational AI – for Women in Voice, for her public speaking, for her experience at the likes…

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Conversations Squared #3 Esha Metiary

Conversations Squared #3 Esha Metiary 2047 2047 Ben McCulloch

Esha Metiary, Lead Conversation Designer, Bol.com, talks about why some assistants should be prepared to discuss political matters.

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Hyper-personalised voice AI with Laetitia Cailleteau, Accenture

Hyper-personalised voice AI with Laetitia Cailleteau, Accenture 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Laetitia Cailleteau shares all about what Accenture is doing in voice AI and about its hyper-personalised voice AI patent.

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