

Why Alexa skill discoverability is hard | VUX World

Why Alexa skill discoverability is hard | VUX World 555 310 Kane Simms

Why are Alexa skills and voice apps so hard to get discovered? Kane reveals his thoughts on the Voiceflow AMA (Ask Me Anything).

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The most innovative use of voice technology so far?

The most innovative use of voice technology so far? 2560 1440 Kane Simms

What Descript did with Lyrebird AI might be the most innovative use of voice technology I’ve ever seen. Descript is a transcription service. A very good transcription service, but a…

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Apple and Google help fight coronavirus

Apple and Google help fight coronavirus 557 314 Kane Simms

Looking at the Apple and Google partnership that could enable tracking of coronavirus cases and shares why you should think about voice early in projects.

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What exactly is ‘voice’? A definition

What exactly is ‘voice’? A definition 846 477 Kane Simms

‘Voice’ is forecast to be the next technology platform for customer engagement and the next interface to the web and computing, but what actually is it? Transcript: What is voice?…

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Is 2020 the year of voice?

Is 2020 the year of voice? 658 385 Kane Simms

Everyone’s asking whether 2020 will be the year of voice. Here’s our take on it.

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Why Apple acquired Voysis and what it means for Siri

Why Apple acquired Voysis and what it means for Siri 1280 720 Kane Simms

Why has Apple acquired Voysis and what does that mean for Siri? To answer that, we need to take a long walk over to the Whiteboard.

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Covid-19 will change how we use digital screens outside of the home

Covid-19 will change how we use digital screens outside of the home 559 310 Kane Simms

Will the current cover situation change our behaviour towards touching screens outside of the home? And can voice technologies play a role in facilitating changing behaviour?

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Voysis acquired by Apple

Voysis acquired by Apple 555 313 Kane Simms

Apple acquired voice-specialist conversational AI company, Voysis, recently and how we discovered it was, well timed and kinda funny.

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    Join us this Friday: What’s next for AI-powered customer experience in 2025.
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