

All about Mycroft with Joshua Montgomery, Steve Penrod and Derick Schweppe

All about Mycroft with Joshua Montgomery, Steve Penrod and Derick Schweppe 1800 1200 Kane Simms

  This week, we’re joined by the Mycroft AI team, and we’re getting deep into designing and developing on the open source alternative to Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

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A deep dive into cross-platform voice development with Jan König

A deep dive into cross-platform voice development with Jan König 1800 1200 Kane Simms

 Find out all about the Jovo framework that lets you create Alexa Skills and Google Assistant apps at the same time, using the same code!

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Voice first user testing with Sam Howard

Voice first user testing with Sam Howard 1800 1200 Kane Simms

 In this episode, we’re talking about voice first user testing, why it’s so imperative and how you can get started doing your own voice user testing. Why voice first…

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Welcome to VUX World

Welcome to VUX World 1800 1200 Kane Simms

  Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to VUX World. This introductory episode is all about what VUX World is all about. Here, I’ll take you through:

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