
The Internet of Voice with Tobias Martens, Founder, Who Else AI

The Internet of Voice with Tobias Martens, Founder, Who Else AI 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Chatting voice assistant interoperability; the challenges, incentives and opportunities for making assistants talk to each other.

Presented by Deepgram

Deepgram is a Speech Company whose goal is to have every voice heard and understood. We have revolutionized speech-to-text (STT) with an End-to-End Deep Learning platform. This AI architectural advantage means you don’t have to compromise on speed, accuracy, scalability, or cost to build the next big idea in voice. Our easy-to-use SDKs and APIs allow developers to quickly test and embed our STT solution into their voice products. For more information, visit:


Interoperable voice assistants

Who Else AI is developing a namespace protocol for the Internet of Voice. Open source, privacy-by-design, and based on public industry standards. Founder, Tobias Martens join us to share why an open voice protocol is critical and how Who Else AI is approaching making it a possibility.



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