
The future of talking robots with Stefan Scherer and Moxie

The future of talking robots with Stefan Scherer and Moxie 1600 1200 Kane Simms

How to design multi modal conversational interfaces for robots with Embodied CTO, Stefan Scherer.

Presented by Deepgram

Deepgram is a Speech Company whose goal is to have every voice heard and understood. We have revolutionized speech-to-text (STT) with an End-to-End Deep Learning platform. This AI architectural advantage means you don’t have to compromise on speed, accuracy, scalability, or cost to build the next big idea in voice. Our easy-to-use SDKs and APIs allow developers to quickly test and embed our STT solution into their voice products. For more information, visit:


Designing for robots

Embodied Inc. is the company behind Moxie, the social robot who’s sole objective is to help kids develop socio-emotional skills and traits. We’re joined by CTO, Stefan Scherer to discuss the design and engineeringconsiderations for creating a robot that uses natural language processing for its primary user interface, but thatalso has a face. This is the future of multi-modal conversation design.


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