
voice assistants

The 2 things holding AI assistants back (and it’s not tech)

The 2 things holding AI assistants back (and it’s not tech) 1280 720 Kane Simms

We’ve long had a vision for what AI assistants could be capable of. Hal, Computer from Star Trek, Kitt from Knightrider, Holly from Red Dwarf, JARVIS from Ironman, Samantha from…

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7 steps to stop bots saying ‘can you repeat that?’

7 steps to stop bots saying ‘can you repeat that?’ 1890 1417 Ben McCulloch

When you release a digital assistant into the world, you hope it will never have to say the words “can you repeat that?”

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Voice with X-Ray vision?

Voice with X-Ray vision? 730 464 Ben McCulloch

Learn how Disruptel is disrupting TV content consumption with voice assistant capabilities that can see what you’re watching.

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The Internet of Voice with Tobias Martens, Founder, Who Else AI

The Internet of Voice with Tobias Martens, Founder, Who Else AI 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Chatting voice assistant interoperability; the challenges, incentives and opportunities for making assistants talk to each other.

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All about wake word detection with Soundhound’s Darin Clark

All about wake word detection with Soundhound’s Darin Clark 1600 1200 Kane Simms

A deep dive into the ins and outs of a crucial voice assistant component; wake words.

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Cerence and Harman on the future of voice in the car with Albert Jordan (Harman) and Joe Iacobelli (Cerence)

Cerence and Harman on the future of voice in the car with Albert Jordan (Harman) and Joe Iacobelli (Cerence) 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Albert Jordan (Harman) and Joe Iacobelli (Cerence) discuss their recent partnership and the future of voice AI in the car.

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Why the UK Gov latest smart speaker recommendations are dangerous

Why the UK Gov latest smart speaker recommendations are dangerous 1600 1200 Kane Simms

The UK Government-commissioned Digital Radio and Audio Review has proposed new regulation that would force smart speaker manufacturers and voice assistant providers to guarantee free access to radio stations.

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Voice in APAC with TalkVia Head of Innovation, Guy Munro

Voice in APAC with TalkVia Head of Innovation, Guy Munro 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Guy Munro, Head of Innovation at TalkVia, joins us to share his perspectives on voice assistant adoption down under.

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Azure Bot Services with Microsoft’s Gary Pretty and Quirine van Walt Meijer

Azure Bot Services with Microsoft’s Gary Pretty and Quirine van Walt Meijer 1800 1200 Kane Simms

The Microsoft Conversation AI Team join us to share an overview of the Azure Bot Service and how Microsoft is enabling conversational transformation at all scales.

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Hyper-personalised voice AI with Laetitia Cailleteau, Accenture

Hyper-personalised voice AI with Laetitia Cailleteau, Accenture 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Laetitia Cailleteau shares all about what Accenture is doing in voice AI and about its hyper-personalised voice AI patent.

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