
Azure Bot Services with Microsoft’s Gary Pretty and Quirine van Walt Meijer

Azure Bot Services with Microsoft’s Gary Pretty and Quirine van Walt Meijer 1800 1200 Kane Simms

The Microsoft Conversation AI Team join us to share an overview of the Azure Bot Service and how Microsoft is enabling conversational transformation at all scales.


Azure Bot Services

Microsoft has a range of AI services to help brands and individuals create seamless conversational experiences. From large scale enterprise assistants, such as the solutions in play at Swisscom and the BBC, to small scale services too. With MS Build just around the corner, we get a sneak peak at what to expect from the Azure Bot Services team, as well as a rundown on just exactly what bot services Microsoft has to offer, how they all hang together, who they’re for and how you can use them.

We’re joined by Senior Program Manager in Conversational AI, Gary Pretty, and Senior Designer in Conversational AI, Quirine van Walt Meijer, Microsoft, to discuss the above, as well as some best practice for conversational design and strategic pointers on how to successfully implement conversational AI in your industry.


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