
use case

Why context is truth in conversational AI

Why context is truth in conversational AI 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

If you want to understand how machines pick apart the things we say to pull relevant data from it then you simply must listen to Raj Tumuluri! Don’t just believe…

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Why you need Botium before you make your bot

Why you need Botium before you make your bot 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Frequently, once brands decide they need a bot they’ll pick the platform straight away. That’s before they’ve even considered the use case. Generally speaking, their thinking goes like this; ‘Google’s…

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Check out Florida Blue’s multimodal marvel!

Check out Florida Blue’s multimodal marvel! 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Where’s the best place to start your automation journey? Look for an issue you deal with every day that doesn’t require analytical thought to solve.

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