
Bringing vCommerce to the web with Mike Page

Bringing vCommerce to the web with Mike Page 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Mike Page, CEO and Co-founder Phebi, joins us to discuss voicifying the web and collapsing the path to purchase.

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Presented by Botmock

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In this episode

It would be easy to read the headlines and think that voice is all about smart speakers. It’d be easy to think that it’s all about ‘big tech’, and the big two in particular: Amazon and Google.

However, voice is an interface and, as we’ve spoken about many times on the podcast, we’ll see voice increasingly appear on every surface.

Helping to bring voice into other mediums is Mike Page and his company, Phebi. It allows eCommerce websites to add vCommerce capabilities and is pushing forward the charge to bring voice interfaces to the web.

In this episode, we discuss how you can add voice capability to your website, user adoption, client and business awareness, the voicified web and much, much more.


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