whats the difference between a voice assistant and a voice interface website hero
What’s the difference between a voice assistant and a voice user interface (VUI)? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

What’s the difference between a voice assistant and a voice user interface (VUI)?

Voice assistants and voice user interfaces (VUIs) are used interchangeably under the banner of ‘voice’. But what’s the difference between the two? Voice assistants have…

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google io 19 website hero
What’s new with Google Assistant? Announcements from Google I/O ’19 1800 1200 Kane Simms

What’s new with Google Assistant? Announcements from Google I/O ’19

Google didn’t disappoint on the voice front at this year’s Google I/O. Here’s a run through of all the Google Assistant related announcements. Google Duplex…

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facebook voice assistant website hero
What’s missing in voice today? And is Facebook trying to solve it? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

What’s missing in voice today? And is Facebook trying to solve it?

I was over the moon to have been quoted in a Forbes article about Facebook’s voice assistant and thought it would be helpful to share…

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Invocable is shutting down
Invocable shuts down for good, but why? 2302 1244 Kane Simms

Invocable shuts down for good, but why?

Invocable announced today that it’ll be closing its doors, just 5 months after pivoting from Storyline and putting itself behind a pay wall. VoiceFlow are…

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Kane Simms of VUX World presenting at the MUXL meet up at Amazon HQ London
4 ways to take your voice strategy to the next level 1800 1200 Kane Simms

4 ways to take your voice strategy to the next level

Since starting VUX World in February 2018, things in the voice assistant industry have changed. At the last MUXL London Meet-up, Design for Voice, I…

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voice design workshop for Alexa skill building website hero
A voice design workshop blueprint for Alexa skill building 1800 1200 Kane Simms

A voice design workshop blueprint for Alexa skill building

Voice design can be a challenge for those who’ve never done it. Designing an Alexa skill is completely different to designing a website or app.…

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Site search settings in Google Analytics
Using website search data to find a use case for voice 1388 763 Kane Simms

Using website search data to find a use case for voice

 One of the common problems people have when getting started in voice is finding a use case. What should your voice app do? It…

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voiceitt Sara Smolley website hero
The most noble startup ever? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

The most noble startup ever?

 Kane 0:03 Happy Monday. For those of you in the UK on bank holiday. And for those of you that aren’t in the UK,…

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VUX World flash briefing website hero
Make voice core to what you do, not an add-on 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Make voice core to what you do, not an add-on

 Online, you’ve been able to get away with doing the bare minimum. For years hotels just had a website with pictures, you had to…

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Screenshot of Aloha by Jane Manchun Wong
Is Facebook getting a Voice Assistant? 800 450 Kane Simms

Is Facebook getting a Voice Assistant?

 I first come across this on VoiceBot. Jane Manchun Wong has found some hidden code inside Facebook Messenger that would suggest that Facebook is…

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Cognilytica Voice Assistant Benchmark 1.0 1024 576 Kane Simms

Cognilytica Voice Assistant Benchmark 1.0

 Today, we’re discussing the Cognilytica Voice Assistant Benchmark 1.0 and it’s findings on the usefulness and capability of smart speakers. The folks at Cognilytica…

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VUX World flash briefing website hero
Generation V 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Generation V

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> I don’t think we appreciate the significance of kids born today. I’m calling them…

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real reasons why voice will be huge for brands website hero
The REAL reasons why voice will be HUGE for brands 1800 1200 Kane Simms

The REAL reasons why voice will be HUGE for brands

 Let’s take a close look at the real reasons why voice will be huge for brands. 

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