

Do you HAVE to design a persona for for your voice app?

Do you HAVE to design a persona for for your voice app? 1920 1080 Kane Simms

When creating a voice app, such as an Alexa skill or Google Assistant action, do you always need to design a brand persona? Sonic branding and sound design are having…

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Siri updates from WWDC 2019

Siri updates from WWDC 2019 1800 1200 Kane Simms

 Some updates and thoughts on Apple’s Siri announcements from WWDC on 3rd June 2019.

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Voice strategy: short and long term planning

Voice strategy: short and long term planning 1800 1200 Kane Simms

 When it comes to creating a voice strategy, you need a short term plan and a long term plan. These are the words of Amazon Alexa’s Chief Evangelist, Dave…

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Google Assistant passes 1m Actions! Where the F did that come from?

Google Assistant passes 1m Actions! Where the F did that come from? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Google announced a whole host of new features for Google Assistant on day 1 of I/O ’19. Also on day 1, quietly, and tucked away on the 9th slide of…

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What’s the difference between a voice assistant and a voice user interface (VUI)?

What’s the difference between a voice assistant and a voice user interface (VUI)? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Voice assistants and voice user interfaces (VUIs) are used interchangeably under the banner of ‘voice’. But what’s the difference between the two? Voice assistants have a voice interface, but voice…

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What’s new with Google Assistant? Announcements from Google I/O ’19

What’s new with Google Assistant? Announcements from Google I/O ’19 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Google didn’t disappoint on the voice front at this year’s Google I/O. Here’s a run through of all the Google Assistant related announcements. Google Duplex comes to the web Last…

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What’s missing in voice today? And is Facebook trying to solve it?

What’s missing in voice today? And is Facebook trying to solve it? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

I was over the moon to have been quoted in a Forbes article about Facebook’s voice assistant and thought it would be helpful to share the full context of what…

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Invocable shuts down for good, but why?

Invocable shuts down for good, but why? 2302 1244 Kane Simms

Invocable announced today that it’ll be closing its doors, just 5 months after pivoting from Storyline and putting itself behind a pay wall. VoiceFlow are working with Invocable to offer…

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4 ways to take your voice strategy to the next level

4 ways to take your voice strategy to the next level 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Since starting VUX World in February 2018, things in the voice assistant industry have changed. At the last MUXL London Meet-up, Design for Voice, I presented 4 things that have…

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A voice design workshop blueprint for Alexa skill building

A voice design workshop blueprint for Alexa skill building 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Voice design can be a challenge for those who’ve never done it. Designing an Alexa skill is completely different to designing a website or app. In this video, we run…

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    The world's most loved conversational AI event is back
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