
Voice strategy: short and long term planning

Voice strategy: short and long term planning 1800 1200 Kane Simms

When it comes to creating a voice strategy, you need a short term plan and a long term plan.

These are the words of Amazon Alexa’s Chief Evangelist, Dave Isbitski, who joined us on the VUX World podcast to discuss how Amazon are advising brands on voice strategy.

In the short term, you’ll be looking to establish a presence on the common voice assistant platforms like Alexa and Google Assistant. You should look to get started by finding a single use case that adds value to both your end user and your business.

That in and of itself can take time. You’ll go through the same motions as you’d go through with any other project. From discovery and feasibility to design and prototyping to production and implementation.

The difference with a voice strategy is that there are a number of fundamentals you’ll need to have in place first, such as figuring out what your brand sounds like.

In the long term, there’ll be things you’d like to do that Alexa or Google Assistant doesn’t support today. Also, the more you embrace voice, the more you’ll start moving towards having voice as an interface to your business across every touchpoint, rather than a presence on a platform. And to get there, it’ll take a shift in strategy, skills, resources, tools and priorities. That takes time.

So start small, crawl before you walk, but have your eyes on the bigger picture.

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