
All about conversational AI with Jeff Smith

All about conversational AI with Jeff Smith 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Conversational AI crops up constantly in conversations about voice, but what actually is it? How the heck does it work? And how can you use it? We speak to Jeff Smith to find out.

In this episode, we cover:

  • An overview of conversational AI – what it is and how it works
  • The role of conversational AI in voice
  • How and why brands should consider using it
  • How you can get started with machine learning and conversational AI
  • Challenges and opportunities such as the state of analytics and security

At the foot of the show, I said this was:

“One of the most interesting conversations I’ve ever had in my life.”

And I wasn’t lying.

Getting to grips with Conversational AI

If you’re not familiar with the concepts of conversational AI, this episode will give you a great introduction.

If you are familiar and work in the industry, Jeff drops some great nuggets and learnings from his extensive experience.

And if you’re interested in this from a branding perspective, by the end of this episode, you’ll have a full understanding of the contexts and environments where it’s useful.

Our Guest

Jeff smith headshot

Jeff Smith, author of Reactive Machine Learning Systems, has bags of experience in the area of machine learning and conversational AI. He’s built a series of AIs, including Amy and Andrew at X.ai (what a cool domain!). That’s an AI Personal Assistant that helps people schedule meetings.

Jeff now works with IPsoft and manages the conversational AI team who’re building Amelia. Amelia, as you’ll find out in the show, is an extremely sophisticated AI that can perform many human tasks, increasing productivity and business efficiencies.


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