
Explainable AI with Seekar Technologies, CEO, Kordel France

Explainable AI with Seekar Technologies, CEO, Kordel France 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Seekar Technologies CEO, Kordel France, joins us to share Seekar Tech’s approach to explainable AI.


Explainable AI

Kordel France discusses how Seekar Technologies is approaching AI and how it’s using its unique technologies and multi-model processing of a variety of input signals (from speech, to vision, to radar and other signals) and helping disadvantaged industries such as medicine, agriculture and manufacturing solve some core problems.

From using speech recognition to detect whether someone is lying, to mental health screening and how combining voice AI with other inputs and modalities can have a huge impact on the value of the solution.

Seekar’s approach is to reduce bias in AI processing through it’s ‘explainable’ AI developer features that allow teams to understand the specific parts of a neural network and highlight which areas are performing well and poorly given a variety of input sources (such as different gendered voices).


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