

From good to great: how Roche improved customer experience

From good to great: how Roche improved customer experience 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

When does a company in a ‘dinosaur’ industry like pharmaceuticals embrace change?

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Conversations Squared #6 Kane Simms

Conversations Squared #6 Kane Simms 2380 2380 Ben McCulloch

Oh wow, is that the time?! VUX World has been going for 5 years! For this episode of Conversations Squared the focus is on the man who’s usually asking the…

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Master assistant or multi-assistant orchestration? 4 considerations

Master assistant or multi-assistant orchestration? 4 considerations 1600 1200 Kane Simms

When you start working on expanding your enterprise conversational automation initiative, you’ll be faced with a dilemma.

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Unleash the real power of DialogFlow with Rob Lubow, CMO, Botcopy

Unleash the real power of DialogFlow with Rob Lubow, CMO, Botcopy 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Botcopy is a Google Cloud Partner that augments the workflow and usability of DialogFlow, making the front end messenger interface customisable.

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Automate the mundane, elevate the humane, with Muddu Sudhakar, CEO, Aisera

Automate the mundane, elevate the humane, with Muddu Sudhakar, CEO, Aisera 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Muddu Sudhakar, CEO, Aisera joins us to discuss the Aisera philosophy for AI mediated service provision, and some controversial recommendations.

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How Decathlon is using conversational AI in retail with Charles Guth, Customer Service Manager, Decathlon

How Decathlon is using conversational AI in retail with Charles Guth, Customer Service Manager, Decathlon 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Learn how Decathlon flipped the script on its customer service channels and built an entirely new customer service set up with AI.

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Contact centre automation trends with Anand Janefalkar, Founder & CEO at UJET

Contact centre automation trends with Anand Janefalkar, Founder & CEO at UJET 1600 1200 Kane Simms

CX automation trends and why Artificial Intelligence without Intelligent Automation is pointless.

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Conversational AI at scale with Philipp Heltewig, CEO, Cognigy

Conversational AI at scale with Philipp Heltewig, CEO, Cognigy 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Key learnings for deploying enterprise conversational AI at scale from Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader, Cognigy.

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Avaya on enterprise AI strategy, with Davide Petramala

Avaya on enterprise AI strategy, with Davide Petramala 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Davide Petramala shares some deep insights on how organisations can get started and scale their voice and conversational AI efforts.

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Enterprise conversational automation with Derek Roberti

Enterprise conversational automation with Derek Roberti 1800 1200 Kane Simms

VP Technology at Cognigy, Derek Roberti, joins us to share the ins and outs of enterprise conversational automation.

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