
Voice assistants that can see and sell, with Alex Quinn, CEO, Disruptel

Voice assistants that can see and sell, with Alex Quinn, CEO, Disruptel 1600 1200 Kane Simms

We’re joined by CEO Alex Quinn to hear about the vision for Disruptel, the use cases it enables and the future of voice assistants that can see.

Presented by Deepgram and Symbl.ai

Presented by DeepgramDeepgram is a Speech Company whose goal is to have every voice heard and understood. We have revolutionized speech-to-text (STT) with an End-to-End Deep Learning platform. This AI architectural advantage means you don’t have to compromise on speed, accuracy, scalability, or cost to build the next big idea in voice. Our easy-to-use SDKs and APIs allow developers to quickly test and embed our STT solution into their voice products. For more information, visit:

Presented by Symbl.aiSee how easy it is to add simple but powerful call coaching and call tracking functionality to your customer experience solutions with Symbl.ai’s customizable Conversation Intelligence APIs. From calls to videos to text conversations — apply best in class contextual AI in no time by getting started for free.


Transforming the TV experience

Disruptel really is building the future of voice assistants. Imagine being able to ask your TV things like “How tall is the guy on the left?” and get an answer. Or ask “What’s that jacket James Bond is wearing?” and be able to buy the exact same jacket right there and then from your sofa.

Well, that’s what Disruptel is building. Voice assistants that can see, sell and much more.

Advised by the legendary creator of Apple Siri and Samsung Bixby, Adam Cheyer, the potential of Disruptel is, well, disruptive… And huge.

We’re joined by CEO Alex Quinn to hear about the vision for Disruptel, the use cases it enables and the future of voice assistants that can see.


00:00 Intro and presenting Deepgram and Symbl.ai
04:22 Welcome and about Alex Quinn
07:50 Beginnings of Disruptel
10:00 TV innovation lagging
14:00 Base language model
16:38 Real time understanding
18:43 Building the initial NLU
24:35 TVs converging with computers
28:15 Pairing gesture and voice
32:25 ITV and dumb ads
33:50 Contextual ads
35:55 Horizontal UI vs content engagement
38:00 Challenges of hardware, streaming and ads
41:00 Working with other voice assistants
42:45 Ad networks
44:20 Adam Cheyer
46:17 Augmented reality
50:20 Low latency and real time processing
52:56 Future
53:40 Outro


Learn more at https://disruptel.com

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