
How to get your Google Assistant Action discovered with John Campbell

How to get your Google Assistant Action discovered with John Campbell 1800 1200 Kane Simms

This week, we’re discussing the latest insights and research in voice SEO and showing you how you can get discovered on Google Assistant, with the MD of Rabbit and Pork, John Campbell.

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Voice SEO

Voice SEO is a roaring-hot topic. All the top marketing and business publications have been writing about the importance of voice search all year. But, little has been documented on how to actually do anything about it. Until now.

John Campbell is the Head of SEO at Roast, London, and has more recently become the founder and MD of a new voice agency, Rabbit and Pork.

John’s experience in the SEO field is serving him ideally in breaking into the voice assistant space. Through using traditional SEO tools and techniques, John has been experimenting with ways in which brands can be found on voice assistants, and he joins us this week to share what he’s learned recently.

It’ll blow your mind.

In this episode

In this episode, you’ll learn some practical tips on what you can do to have your content found on Google Assistant. Using the latest research, data and insights, John takes us through some of the work he’s been doing recently and shares the results he’s been achieving.

Amongst other things, we discuss:

Implicit invocations

  • What they are and how they’re used
  • The benefits of being the implicitly inovocated action, including gaining search volume data and keeping people engaged
  • How past advice on the web is a little out dated
  • Developing a strategy for your own business/skill
  • How to set up implicit invocations on Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa
  • What results can you expect?
  • What the future could hold with implicit invocation ranking
  • How to find key phrases that people might be voice searching

We discuss Roast’s studies of 10,000 key phrases and discuss the trends in how Google Assistant serves results, including starting to rank actions in search results and serve them as a higher priority that featured snippets. The graph below, for example, shows how, prior to an action existing, Google Assistant wasn’t serving a search result at all. Once the action was launched, Google Assistant started sending people to the action, rather than serving nothing.

Graph showing how, since launching an action on Google Assistant, Google uses the action in voice search results whereas, previous to launching the action, Google didn't return any result

We discuss how you can spot these opportunities and create an action where there isn’t currently a Google Assistant search result.

Explicit invocations

  • What it is and how it’s used
  • How you can promote your action or skill, including how to target specific Alexa or Google Assistant owners in online ads
  • How to measure the success of promotional activity

We also discuss the future of voice SEO and where it’s all heading, including skill-to-skill connections and much, much more.


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Rabbit and Pork website (coming soon)

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