
A chatbot that helps children move more, with Richard Moore

A chatbot that helps children move more, with Richard Moore 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Richard Moore joins us on our VUX world podcast as he shares the process of the chatbot to help children move more.

Presented by Tidio

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Richard Moore joins me to share how Sheffield Hallam University’s research project chatbot is helping children move more and be healthy!


In this episode

00:00 Introduction and welcome Tidio
02:58 Welcome Richard Moore
06:00 The main barriers for helping children move more
09:28 Why a chatbot was a good idea to help
14:41 Chatbots helping ‘speaking’ to someone
25:05 Mature design practices
26:51 Building the prototype
30:14 Behaviour change frameworks used
35:25 How does the conversation unfold?
39:05 Asking questions on how to help the user
41:48 The next phase
46:20 The engagement process
53:13 Outro

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