4 tips for effective use of LLMs in conversational AI 1920 1080 Kane Simms

4 tips for effective use of LLMs in conversational AI

Discover how businesses are adopting LLMs, the challenges and limitations of Retrieval Augmented Generation.

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How to implement a tried and tested bot improvement cycle 1456 816 Kane Simms

How to implement a tried and tested bot improvement cycle

If you’re working with conversational AI systems, then you’ll know that these things are like living organisms. A chatbot is more like a member of…

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The case for explainable AI 1920 1080 Kane Simms

The case for explainable AI

You may have heard the term explainable AI before, but what does it mean? And why is it required? According to Google, explainable AI is…

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How to formulate your CX strategy for 2024 1920 1080 Kane Simms

How to formulate your CX strategy for 2024

I recently sat down with fellow Stocktoner, Andrew Moorhouse, for a chat about the current state of customer experience, and why so many brands are…

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New research: customers and agents tell CX leaders where they should focus 1920 1080 Rebecca Christie

New research: customers and agents tell CX leaders where they should focus

I recently had the pleasure of running a webinar with Michael Kropidlowski, Kore.ai and Mike Farrell, Farrell Insights. In the webinar, we reviewed two new…

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Three smart ways to use LLMs alongside your NLU 2560 1440 Rebecca Christie

Three smart ways to use LLMs alongside your NLU

LLMs have made quite a mark haven’t they? They were just a whisper within conversational AI in the past few years. Now they’re getting an…

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Yes, ChatGPT has a persona and you should be careful 1920 1080 Ben McCulloch

Yes, ChatGPT has a persona and you should be careful

When communicating with an AI assistant, we always observe its persona. They give away little hints while we communicate with them, and that makes us…

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4 ways messaging can drive revenue beyond direct sales 1050 600 Ben McCulloch

4 ways messaging can drive revenue beyond direct sales

You’ve probably heard the term ‘conversational commerce’ before? It’s where you use conversations to contribute to driving revenue. For example, a live chat or chatbot…

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Debt collections are challenging, and changing 1920 1133 Ben McCulloch

Debt collections are challenging, and changing

People who end up in debt can feel that their situation is spiralling out of control. So how can automation help? Find out in this article.

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Overcoming the shortfalls of voice AI 1900 1200 Ben McCulloch

Overcoming the shortfalls of voice AI

People just want to talk to machines like they would talk to another person. They expect it to work.

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A laptop with a refreshable braille display.
Why conversational AI should be accessible by design 2560 1563 Ben McCulloch

Why conversational AI should be accessible by design

Discover the importance of making conversational assistants more accessible for individuals with accessibility needs or impairments.

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A person is standing in the middle with many pictures around them representing concurrent conversation.
Here’s Conversational AI at a whopping great scale! 1456 816 Ben McCulloch

Here’s Conversational AI at a whopping great scale!

We often talk about how conversational AI can scale-up your customer services. It’s possible to serve far more customers than you could with just a…

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Ultimate Analysis of Gartner’s Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Ultimate Analysis of Gartner’s Critical Capabilities for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms

The analysis presents enterprise buyers, decision makers and influencers with a full understanding of the capabilities they’ll need to succeed in their automation programme.

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How loveholidays used AI to turn frowns upside down 2000 1304 Ben McCulloch

How loveholidays used AI to turn frowns upside down

The travel industry is not known for treating its customers particularly well. You only have to check the news to see examples of stranded holidaymakers.…

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A person on the rope bridge is moving towards the other side of the mountain.
How Decathlon made messaging matter with a little help from AI 1995 1154 Ben McCulloch

How Decathlon made messaging matter with a little help from AI

Learn how Decathlon transitioned from a traditional contact centre to automating 50% of all customer contacts while increasing agent productivity and customer satisfaction.

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Capturing the scope and behavior of LLMs 1456 816 Emily Uematsu Banzhaf

Capturing the scope and behavior of LLMs

A hot topic among conversation designers and others is how to capture the scope and behavior of LLMs.

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Your bot’s really an employee with superhuman responsibilities 1456 816 Ben McCulloch

Your bot’s really an employee with superhuman responsibilities

Discover what conversation designers should consider when working on their assistant’s persona.

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An illustration of two people standing in front of the large display with some charts and analytics on it.
What happens after you’ve designed and built your AI Assistant? 1456 816 Ben McCulloch

What happens after you’ve designed and built your AI Assistant?

So what happens after your assistant goes live is continual tuning and improvements. Forever. This is not ‘set and forget’.

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3 Fundamental Conversational AI Capabilities 752 423 Rebecca Christie

3 Fundamental Conversational AI Capabilities

When designing or developing a conversational assistant, like a chatbot or a voice assistant, there are three fundamental things the AI assistant should be able…

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Don’t cull the bots! Here’s 7 myths we should bury first 1456 816 Ben McCulloch

Don’t cull the bots! Here’s 7 myths we should bury first

Some myths linger in the public consciousness for too long. Some lingering myths in conversational AI deserve re-evaluation.

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3 innovative use cases for AI in retail 1456 816 Kane Simms

3 innovative use cases for AI in retail

The advent of AI has all industries pondering the transformative potential. And retail is no exception. As digitalization is rapidly reshaping the retail landscape, we…

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Conversation design best practice series pt. 1: The building blocks 720 405 Rebecca Christie

Conversation design best practice series pt. 1: The building blocks

When creating AI voice assistants and chatbots, we are witnessing a similar phase of uncertainty and exploration as we did with the web in the…

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AI generated image - a robot standing in the witness box at court with its arms spread, and palms up as if it is explaining itself.
Don’t blame the bot! 10 learnings on safe use of AI 1024 573 Ben McCulloch

Don’t blame the bot! 10 learnings on safe use of AI

VUX World hosted a panel on ethics during the European Chatbot Summit in Edinburgh 2023. Kane Simms hosted the guest speakers Oksana Dambrauskaite, E-commerce Operations…

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What does your voice reveal about you? 1456 816 Ben McCulloch

What does your voice reveal about you?

What does your voice reveal about you? Probably more than you realise – it’s possible to detect clues about your health, background and emotions while…

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