Unlocking the power of LLMs: putting people first in AI assistant development 1456 816 Ben McCulloch

Unlocking the power of LLMs: putting people first in AI assistant development

It’s easy to approach every new problem in conversational AI as if you’re the first person who ever faced it. But the truth is that…

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Why build a bank assistant from scratch? 1120 716 Ben McCulloch

Why build a bank assistant from scratch?

How does a bank deploy an assistant like Capital One’s ENO or Bank of America’s Erica without investing countless dollars and hours in the project?

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From good to great: how Roche improved customer experience 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

From good to great: how Roche improved customer experience

When does a company in a ‘dinosaur’ industry like pharmaceuticals embrace change?

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Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms: 2022 vs 2023 Comparison 1920 1080 Rebecca Christie

Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms: 2022 vs 2023 Comparison

So, it’s that time of year again. Gartner has released its Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Conversational AI Platforms 2023, and it makes for interesting reading.…

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3 types of NLU from VUX World - intent based, zero-shot and few-shot LLMs
The 3 types of NLU systems in conversational AI 1600 1200 Kane Simms

The 3 types of NLU systems in conversational AI

We recently spoke to Raj Koneru and Prasanna Arikala of Kore AI on the VUX World podcast, discussing Large Language Models (LLMs) and the forecasted…

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What's this news about conversation designer layoffs?
What’s this news about conversation designer layoffs? 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

What’s this news about conversation designer layoffs?

In recent months we’ve seen rather a lot of layoffs. It feels like every few days there’s another LinkedIn post from someone in our network…

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The killer combo: How your AI assistant can save costs AND generate revenue 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

The killer combo: How your AI assistant can save costs AND generate revenue

There are a lot of digital assistants designed for customer support. That has value. If you’re taking tasks off your live agent’s plate, then you’re…

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The risks of Large Language Models (such as ChatGPT) 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

The risks of Large Language Models (such as ChatGPT)

In the various interactions I’ve had with ChatGPT, and the various posts and articles I’ve read by other people, I’ve had this recurring thought –…

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4 considerations for multi-assistant orchestration
Master assistant or multi-assistant orchestration? 4 considerations 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Master assistant or multi-assistant orchestration? 4 considerations

When you start working on expanding your enterprise conversational automation initiative, you’ll be faced with a dilemma.

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Why we need a no-code multimodal orchestration tool 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Why we need a no-code multimodal orchestration tool

During my chat with Jason F. Gilbert, he expressed frustration at how hard it is to orchestrate robotic movements with voice, sound effects, lights and…

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Bullshit man - Open AI GPT3 vs ChatGPT
Stop getting ChatGPT and GPT3 confused! 1280 720 Kane Simms

Stop getting ChatGPT and GPT3 confused!

Right. Bullsh*t Man is back. Because this is starting to p*ss me off.

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DITAT Maturity Model showing the 5 stages of maturity: Deflecting, Interpreting, Transacting, Assisting and Transforming
The DITAT maturity model for conversational AI 960 540 Kane Simms

The DITAT maturity model for conversational AI

We’ve put together the DITAT maturity model for conversational AI to show the various stages of maturity conversational applications go through on the journey to…

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a boxing match between Google and OpenAI at maddison square garden
Open AI vs Google: a headline you’d never have dreamed of 1024 1024 Kane Simms

Open AI vs Google: a headline you’d never have dreamed of

With the launch of ChatGPT, OpenAI hasn’t just managed to make a big splash in the AI community. It’s managed to break out of that…

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15 ways conversation designers could use ChatGPT 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

15 ways conversation designers could use ChatGPT

People from all industries and professions have gotten a hold of ChatGPT and have begun to understand the potential power of NLP technologies. In the…

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Achieving better customer service during seasonal spikes
How to achieve better customer service during seasonal spikes 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

How to achieve better customer service during seasonal spikes

We’ve written about novel uses of personas, how AI improves a human’s work, and how holistic AI is the future of customer service. There’s countless…

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Nova KBM’s AI assistant is more successful than anyone dreamed 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Nova KBM’s AI assistant is more successful than anyone dreamed

Here’s how Nova KBM, a market-leading Slovenian bank, automated its customer engagement, and the results it saw. 

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"A robot and a human discussing the future of humanity in a futuristic city landscape". DALL-E 2
ChatGPT: the good, the bad and the future 1024 1024 Kane Simms

ChatGPT: the good, the bad and the future

It’s been a week since the launch of ChatGPT, Open AI’s latest large language model (LLM), which has taken the AI industry by storm. Many…

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Top 10 conversational AI trends for 2023 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Top 10 conversational AI trends for 2023

Vonage hosted the ‘What’s Next for Conversational AI’ panel during VUX @ VOICE22, a full day of VUX World programming at VOICE22 in Arlington, VA.

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5 steps to selecting the perfect partner for conversational automation 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

5 steps to selecting the perfect partner for conversational automation

Recently, we wrote about Florida Blue’s multi-channel assistant. A Visual IVR system with a voice assistant that helps the health insurance company’s customers apply for…

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Is our love for the web holding us back? 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Is our love for the web holding us back?

Many of the brands Kane interviews on VUX World are taking careful 1st steps into conversational AI. They already have a website, they have a…

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Why you should take data privacy more seriously 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Why you should take data privacy more seriously

Sometimes I tell people I work in conversational AI and they say “I don’t have an Alexa or Google Assistant because I don’t want tech…

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Why should you measure bots like humans? 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Why should you measure bots like humans?

You’ll get a variety of answers if you ask anyone with a call centre bot how they measure its success. They might measure containment rates…

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Holistic AI services: the future of CX? 925 615 Ben McCulloch

Holistic AI services: the future of CX?

We have best practices when implementing Conversational AI – find the repetitive tasks you do every day that don’t require analytical thought to solve, and…

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Why context is truth in conversational AI 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Why context is truth in conversational AI

If you want to understand how machines pick apart the things we say to pull relevant data from it then you simply must listen to…

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