Posts By :

Kane Simms

Using voice to make Scientists more productive with Dan DeAlmeida

Using voice to make Scientists more productive with Dan DeAlmeida 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Dan DeAlmeida joins us to share how LabVoice is making scientists more productive and how you can use voice technology to streamline working processes.

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SMS conversation design with Hillary and Matthew Black

SMS conversation design with Hillary and Matthew Black 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Hillary and Matthew Black join us to share how to design and implement automated conversational AI with SMS messaging, and why you should.

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The Rundown: Voice authenticated purchasing and bye bye Google Home?

The Rundown: Voice authenticated purchasing and bye bye Google Home? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Kane Simms and Dustin Coates are joined by Claire Mitchell to Rundown the week’s conversational AI news.

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Designing natural conversations with IBM’s Bob Moore

Designing natural conversations with IBM’s Bob Moore 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Kane and Dustin speak to author and researcher, Bob Moore, about his book Conversational UX Design and how to use conversation analysis techniques to create more natural conversational experiences.

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The Rundown: The Webby Awards bring synthetic tears

The Rundown: The Webby Awards bring synthetic tears 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Kane Simms and Dustin Coates are joined by Claire Mitchell to Rundown the week’s conversational AI news.

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What is text-to-speech and how does it work with Niclas Bergström

What is text-to-speech and how does it work with Niclas Bergström 1800 1200 Kane Simms

When Alexa talks, it’s using text-to-speech. Niclas Bergström join us to lift the curtain and tell us what’s actually happening under the hood when voice assistants talk. 

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The Rundown: Talking volcanos finding gaps you can Read Along to

The Rundown: Talking volcanos finding gaps you can Read Along to 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Kane Simms, Dustin Coates and Claire Mitchell Rundown this week’s top stories in voice technology including listening to volcanos with speech technology and how Google’s helping kids learn to read.…

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Voice at Sony Music with Dennis Kooker and Achim Matthes

Voice at Sony Music with Dennis Kooker and Achim Matthes 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Peak behind the curtain at Sony Music’s voice strategy and hear how it’s thinking about the future of music consumption.

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The Rundown: Talking elevators and clever Blenders

The Rundown: Talking elevators and clever Blenders 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Kane and Dustin are joined by guest co-host Claire Mitchell to run down the week’s top voice and conversational AI stories. AVAILABLE ON ALL PODCAST PLAYERS. Apple podcasts | Spotify…

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Two strategies to get your Alexa skill discovered

Two strategies to get your Alexa skill discovered 1280 720 Kane Simms

Alexa skill discoverability is a challenge that’s existed since the birth of the Echo as a skill developer or brand, how do you get people to use your Alexa skill?…

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