
Can conversational AI help in emergency situations? With Max Gladysh

Can conversational AI help in emergency situations? With Max Gladysh 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Max Gladysh joins us as he speaks about how conversational AI is able to help in emergency situations.

Max Gladysh is the Managing Director and Co-Founder of Bots Crew. Max joins us to share some examples of how conversational AI is being used to help people in emergency situations, including use cases Max saw during covid, as well as more recently; a chatbot that helps people fleeing the war in Ukraine.


In this episode

00:00 Introduction and presenting VUX World at the EU Chatbot Summit, We have a 30% DISCOUNT for you too: VUXEU23 to attend: https://theeuropeanchatbot.com/

Join VUX World at the EU Chatbot Summit where we’ll be hosting a full day of enterprise AI best practice content, with the likes of Vodafone, Love Holidays, LNER and many more. We have a 30% DISCOUNT for you too: VUXEU23 to attend: https://theeuropeanchatbot.com/

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