

The AI privacy barrier: will Sonos be the first to hurdle it?

The AI privacy barrier: will Sonos be the first to hurdle it? 1600 1200 Kane Simms

A code leak confirms Sonos voice assistant is coming. Will this be the first voice assistant with true privacy at the heart?

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Will Say It Now crack the Amazon Alexa discoverability code?

Will Say It Now crack the Amazon Alexa discoverability code? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Say It Now has acquired North American voice tech startup, GetStarted, in an effort to finally bring voice-first success to brands.

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Wells Fargo announce digital assistant ‘Fargo’, and why it hurts to follow Erica and Eno

Wells Fargo announce digital assistant ‘Fargo’, and why it hurts to follow Erica and Eno 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Wells Fargo announced that it would be releasing a digital assistant, named ‘Fargo’ as part of its revamped app in 2022.

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Why the UK Gov latest smart speaker recommendations are dangerous

Why the UK Gov latest smart speaker recommendations are dangerous 1600 1200 Kane Simms

The UK Government-commissioned Digital Radio and Audio Review has proposed new regulation that would force smart speaker manufacturers and voice assistant providers to guarantee free access to radio stations.

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The ultimate convergence of conversational AI markets and technologies

The ultimate convergence of conversational AI markets and technologies 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Divergence within the conversational AI market is necessary. It creates differentiation. Here’s a look at how that’s happening, where it’ll converge in future and why that’s important.

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Amazon Astro: talking vacuum cleaner? Or game changer?

Amazon Astro: talking vacuum cleaner? Or game changer? 976 549 Kane Simms

Is Amazon’s latest device, Astro, the world’s first widely available house robot, just a talking Hoover? Or is there more to it?

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Google’s Assistant strategy and what it means for your brand

Google’s Assistant strategy and what it means for your brand 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Google’s recent integration of Google Assistant with Technicolor set-top-boxes further shows that Google’s strategy for Assistant is more than timers, alarms and web searches. You might think of Google assistant…

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Step up your chatbot and voice assistant game

Step up your chatbot and voice assistant game 1800 1200 Kane Simms

There’s too many average conversational AI implementations that are ill-designed and not greatly useful. Don’t fall into that trap. This short story is about a generally less than desirable experience…

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You’re thinking about conversational AI all wrong

You’re thinking about conversational AI all wrong 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Here’s why you’re thinking about conversational AI all wrong and why it’s more transformative than you think.

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With 427 million daily voice searches on mobile, what can you do about it?

With 427 million daily voice searches on mobile, what can you do about it? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

With approximately 427m voice searches made on mobile per day, what does it mean for your business? And what can you do to capitalise on it?

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    The world's most loved conversational AI event is back
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