

A chatbot that helps children move more, with Richard Moore

A chatbot that helps children move more, with Richard Moore 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Richard Moore joins us on our VUX world podcast as he shares the process of the chatbot to help children move more.

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VOICE of AI 23 and what’s new with AI?

VOICE of AI 23 and what’s new with AI? 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Pete Erickson joins us as he shares on what is up and coming for VOICE of AI 23 this september.

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We rebuilt our whole platform around LLMs: Sylvain Perron, CEO, Botpress

We rebuilt our whole platform around LLMs: Sylvain Perron, CEO, Botpress 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Sylvian Perron joins us as he shares just how they rebuilt there whole platform around LLMs

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Conversations2 – ChatGPT Interview

Conversations2 – ChatGPT Interview 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

What happens when you interview ChatGPT? Things get strange quickly. There’s few things as hyped as ChatGPT. Much of it is deserved – this new technology delivers on so much…

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Tone of voice AI and its impact on customer experience

Tone of voice AI and its impact on customer experience 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Rana Gujral and Anu Sachdeva join us as they share the impact on customer experience tone of voice AI has had.

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3 innovative AI use cases in retail with Gopi Polavarapu, Sr. VP at Kore.ai

3 innovative AI use cases in retail with Gopi Polavarapu, Sr. VP at Kore.ai 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Gopi Polavarapu, Sr. VP at Kore.ai joins us as he shares 3 innovative use cases which are used in retail

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Conversations Squared #9 Andrew Muir

Conversations Squared #9 Andrew Muir 1120 840 Rebecca Christie

We’re used to hearing Text To Speech in conversational AI, but that’s not the only option available. Voice assistants don’t have to use synthetic speech – they can use recordings…

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The world’s first accessible chatbot? With Mark Worden, NatWest

The world’s first accessible chatbot? With Mark Worden, NatWest 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Mark Worden, NatWest joins us as he shares how natwest has created the worlds first accessible chabot.

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Conversational automation at Swisscom with Yvonne Zgraggen

Conversational automation at Swisscom with Yvonne Zgraggen 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Yvonne Zgraggen joins us on our VUX World podcast as she speaks through conversational automation at Swisscom.

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Conversations Squared #8 Michelle Parayil

Conversations Squared #8 Michelle Parayil 1915 1657 Ben McCulloch

Let’s talk about proactive messaging! Michelle Parayil, Conversation Design Manager at Haptik, knows all about it. She’s learnt a great deal about proactive messaging with conversational AI, and shares her…

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