
Intent-less NLU and knowledge management with Hyro CEO, Israel Krush

Intent-less NLU and knowledge management with Hyro CEO, Israel Krush 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Hyro CEO, Israel Krush shares a unique approach to conversational AI that requires less conversation design and has higher accuracy.

Presented by Deepgram

Deepgram is a Speech Company whose goal is to have every voice heard and understood. We have revolutionized speech-to-text (STT) with an End-to-End Deep Learning platform. This AI architectural advantage means you don’t have to compromise on speed, accuracy, scalability, or cost to build the next big idea in voice. Our easy-to-use SDKs and APIs allow developers to quickly test and embed our STT solution into their voice products. For more information, visit:


Intent-less NLU and knowledge management

The CEO of rising conversational AI platform provider, Hyro, joins us to share insights on the unique approach taken to create its NLU technology and the kind of results its seeing in market.

Israel Krush shares the ins and outs of Hyro’s philosophy, its intentness NLU approach and the importance of knowledge management.

We get into why, when using Hyro, there’s less of a need for designing conversational flows and how the technology is able to make decisions about what questions to ask next based on the data. This is because of a combination of a linguistic approach to NLU creation and through pairing that with a bespoke knowledge graph with documents content, entities and the relationship between them.

We discuss some of the challenges organisations have when implementing conversational AI, how Hyro is helping clients overcome them and how a seemingly straightforward deployment is managed and maintained.


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