

Designing story-telling robots with Amy Stapleton

Designing story-telling robots with Amy Stapleton 1800 1200 Kane Simms

This week, Dustin and I are joined by Tellables co-founder, Amy Stapleton, to discuss storytelling through Alexa and the design challenges that come with that. By the end of this…

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All about voice content management and localisation with Milkana Brace and Jonathan Burstein

All about voice content management and localisation with Milkana Brace and Jonathan Burstein 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Today, we’re discussing why you should separate voice app content from your code and logic with Jargon founders, Milkana Brace (CEO) and Jonathan Burstein (CTO).

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VUI design best practice for kids skills with the BBC’s Paul Jackson

VUI design best practice for kids skills with the BBC’s Paul Jackson 1800 1200 Kane Simms

We’re honoured to be joined by Paul Jackson, Senior Designer at the BBC, to discuss how the Beeb are approaching VUI design, with a particular focus on designing Alexa Skills…

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How to design a voice experience for the older generation with Heidi Culbertson

How to design a voice experience for the older generation with Heidi Culbertson 1800 1200 Kane Simms

This week, Dustin Coates and I are joined by Ask Marvee founder and CEO, Heidi Culbertson, to discuss VUX design for the older generation.

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The Rundown 002: Alexa’s new hardware and dev tools, Google Home Mini becomes top selling smart speaker and more

The Rundown 002: Alexa’s new hardware and dev tools, Google Home Mini becomes top selling smart speaker and more 1800 1200 Kane Simms

It’s been a busy few weeks with both of the top two voice assistant platforms announcing new devices and software improvements, but what does it all mean for brands, designers…

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The Rundown 001: Alexa settings API, 5 Google Assistant tips and more

The Rundown 001: Alexa settings API, 5 Google Assistant tips and more 1800 1200 Kane Simms

We’re starting a new feature on VUX World: The Rundown. Dustin Coates and I are getting together each week (or bi-weekly) to discuss the recent happenings in the voice space…

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All about Voiceitt with Sara Smolley

All about Voiceitt with Sara Smolley 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Alexa Accelerator 2018 featured startup, Voiceitt, gives people with speech impairments their voice back. Today, we’re joined by co-founder and VP Strategy, Sara Smolley, to hear all about it. The…

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Cognilytica Voice Assistant Benchmark 1.0

Cognilytica Voice Assistant Benchmark 1.0 1024 576 Kane Simms

 Today, we’re discussing the Cognilytica Voice Assistant Benchmark 1.0 and it’s findings on the usefulness and capability of smart speakers. The folks at Cognilytica conducted a study where they…

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Generation V

Generation V 1800 1200 Kane Simms

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> I don’t think we appreciate the significance of kids born today. I’m calling them Generation V. The voice natives.…

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Adoption, growth, in-skill purchases and developer rewards with Nick Schwab

Adoption, growth, in-skill purchases and developer rewards with Nick Schwab 1800 1200 Kane Simms

 The first in a new series called ‘Unscripted’ where we have off-the-cuff, unscripted conversations with voice first leaders and practitioners to get acquainted, hear their story and find out…

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