

Why do most chatbots fail? With Dawn Harpster, Talkdesk

Why do most chatbots fail? With Dawn Harpster, Talkdesk 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Dawn Harpster, Senior Conversation Architect at Talkdesk, joins us to discuss why most chatbots fail, and how you can design successful digital assistants.

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Automate the mundane, elevate the humane, with Muddu Sudhakar, CEO, Aisera

Automate the mundane, elevate the humane, with Muddu Sudhakar, CEO, Aisera 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Muddu Sudhakar, CEO, Aisera joins us to discuss the Aisera philosophy for AI mediated service provision, and some controversial recommendations.

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How ABN AMRO bank developed AI maturity

How ABN AMRO bank developed AI maturity 1120 840 Ben McCulloch

Although conversational AI has decades of history, there’s relatively few companies around who you would call mature in AI terms. But here’s one.

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Talking conversational AI with Cobus Greyling

Talking conversational AI with Cobus Greyling 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Cobus Greyling joins us on our podcast to talk conversational AI tooling, and how to make conversational AI work for large enterprises.

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Challenges we currently face in conversation design

Challenges we currently face in conversation design 1640 924 Brian Smith

Brian Smith, Sr Product Manager, Intuit, shares his research into the top challenges faced by conversational AI teams in 2022.

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How Marks and Spencer is using conversational AI, with Steven Siddall, Contact Systems Lead, Marks and Spencer

How Marks and Spencer is using conversational AI, with Steven Siddall, Contact Systems Lead, Marks and Spencer 1600 1200 Rebecca Christie

Steve Siddall joins us to tell us about how Marks and Spencer is using conversational AI and the benefits it is bringing the business.

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Why digital transformation has always been about voice, with Frank Schneider, CEO, Speakeasy AI

Why digital transformation has always been about voice, with Frank Schneider, CEO, Speakeasy AI 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Frank Schneider joins us for a record 3rd time to share insights on why digital transformation has always been about voice, and discusses Speakeasy AI’s Speech-to-Intent patent.

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Google’s Assistant strategy and what it means for your brand

Google’s Assistant strategy and what it means for your brand 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Google’s recent integration of Google Assistant with Technicolor set-top-boxes further shows that Google’s strategy for Assistant is more than timers, alarms and web searches. You might think of Google assistant…

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Avaya on enterprise AI strategy, with Davide Petramala

Avaya on enterprise AI strategy, with Davide Petramala 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Davide Petramala shares some deep insights on how organisations can get started and scale their voice and conversational AI efforts.

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The importance of owning your NLU with Guy Tonye and Stacey Kyler, Zammo.ai

The importance of owning your NLU with Guy Tonye and Stacey Kyler, Zammo.ai 1800 1200 Kane Simms

The Zammo team join us to share why owning your NLU is so crucial, the importance of control, analytics and cross platform assistants.

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