
VUI design

What does your voice reveal about you?

What does your voice reveal about you? 1456 816 Ben McCulloch

What does your voice reveal about you? Probably more than you realise – it’s possible to detect clues about your health, background and emotions while you talk.

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The past, present and future of conversation design with Voxable

The past, present and future of conversation design with Voxable 1600 1200 Kane Simms

Join Voxable’s Matt Buck and Lauren Golembiewski to dive deep into the past and future of conversation design.

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Incorporating VUI into your UX repertoire with Stuart Silverstein

Incorporating VUI into your UX repertoire with Stuart Silverstein 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Director, Service Design, AIG, Stuart Silverstein talks bringing voice into your UX skill set.

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Are you over-polishing your chatbot?

Are you over-polishing your chatbot? 904 678 Kane Simms

When designing a chat bot or voice bot, be careful not to over-polish your dialogue. Keep it natural and free flowing. Here’s how.

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The difference between chatbot and voice search refinements

The difference between chatbot and voice search refinements 876 657 Kane Simms

What’s the difference between how people use chatbots and search bars vs voice user interfaces and what does that mean for how you design interactions for each? One of the…

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Conversational ear worms

Conversational ear worms 1800 1200 Kane Simms

What is the conversational equivalent of an ear worm? An ear worm is a song that you just cannot get out of your head. It doesn’t matter how hard you…

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Think conversation design is complex? You aint seen nothing yet

Think conversation design is complex? You aint seen nothing yet 1800 1200 Kane Simms

If you think conversation design is complex, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

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The voice design sprint with Maaike Coppens

The voice design sprint with Maaike Coppens 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Maaike Coppens returns to share how you can go from zero to hero in one voice design sprint. From nothing at the beginning to a a validated use case and…

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Persona design and voice actors with Adva Levin

Persona design and voice actors with Adva Levin 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Adva Levin joins us to share why you should design personas for your voice apps, how you can create them, as well as how to work with voice acting talent.

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From copywriter to conversation designer with Claire Medcalf

From copywriter to conversation designer with Claire Medcalf 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Learn how to transition into being a conversational designer and follow the steps of Cannes Lions gold-winner, Claire Medcalf.

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