What is the conversational equivalent of an ear worm?
An ear worm is a song that you just cannot get out of your head. It doesn’t matter how hard you try it just sticks in there.
If any of you have got kids then you’ll know exactly what it’s like to wake up at five o’clock in the morning, busting for the loo and you just cannot get that Peppa Pig song out of your head!
Musicians and music writers all over the world strive to create ear worms because if you can create an ear worm, then that’s job done!
My latest ear worm, I don’t see any reason why you should be immune to this is, Thomas the Tank Engine.
So I was thinking about that and I was thinking what’s the conversational equivalent of an ear worm?
We’ve all had conversations that we remember, some of us have had conversations that might have even been life-changing.
Does the same logic tie into conversations that we have with our voice assistants?
I remember the first time I asked Google Assistant for a football score and it played the sound of crowd cheering in the background. I still remember that today. It’s one of the best interactions I’ve had on Google Assistant.
And so we have the tools to create memorable experiences through a combination of conversation design and sound design and it doesn’t matter whether you’re a boring old insurance company or whether you’re a cutting-edge media outfit.
We all have access to the same tools and we all have the potential to create memorable and meaningful conversations.
So what’s the most memorable conversation you’ve had with your voice assistant, or the most memorable conversation you’ve had at all, and why?