

AI Design Principles

AI Design Principles 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Make consistently effective design decisions & improve user experience of AI services by adopting these AI Design Principles within your team and organisation.

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What does your voice reveal about you?

What does your voice reveal about you? 1456 816 Ben McCulloch

What does your voice reveal about you? Probably more than you realise – it’s possible to detect clues about your health, background and emotions while you talk.

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What is Natural Language Understanding (NLU)? A beginner’s guide

What is Natural Language Understanding (NLU)? A beginner’s guide 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Critical foundational knowledge on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) for anyone interested in learning about conversational AI or conversation design.

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What is SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)? A beginner’s guide

What is SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language)? A beginner’s guide 1800 1200 Kane Simms

An introductory guide to SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language), what it is and how you can use it in speech and voice applications.

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Two strategies to get your Alexa skill discovered

Two strategies to get your Alexa skill discovered 1280 720 Kane Simms

Alexa skill discoverability is a challenge that’s existed since the birth of the Echo as a skill developer or brand, how do you get people to use your Alexa skill?…

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International VUX design best practice workshop

International VUX design best practice workshop 1920 1080 Kane Simms

 If you’re looking to create voice applications for Alexa and Google Assistant, check out this run through of VUX design best practice from across the globe. These insights were…

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What’s the difference between a voice assistant and a voice user interface (VUI)?

What’s the difference between a voice assistant and a voice user interface (VUI)? 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Voice assistants and voice user interfaces (VUIs) are used interchangeably under the banner of ‘voice’. But what’s the difference between the two? Voice assistants have a voice interface, but voice…

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A voice design workshop blueprint for Alexa skill building

A voice design workshop blueprint for Alexa skill building 1800 1200 Kane Simms

Voice design can be a challenge for those who’ve never done it. Designing an Alexa skill is completely different to designing a website or app. In this video, we run…

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Using website search data to find a use case for voice

Using website search data to find a use case for voice 1388 763 Kane Simms

 One of the common problems people have when getting started in voice is finding a use case. What should your voice app do? It needs to be useful. It…

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