

The AI revolution in recruitment with Martyn Redstone

The AI revolution in recruitment with Martyn Redstone 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Martyn joins me to share some new insights on the conversational AI jobs market, the impact that generative AI is having in the recruitment space and some examples of use…

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The AI chatbot serving 10m customers a year, with Nick Allgaier, Lufthansa

The AI chatbot serving 10m customers a year, with Nick Allgaier, Lufthansa 1920 1080 Rebecca Christie

Nick joins me to share his learnings on scaling an AI practice to extraordinary heights.

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The revolution in AI processors with Robert Hallock at Intel Corporation

The revolution in AI processors with Robert Hallock at Intel Corporation 1920 1080 Rebecca Christie

In this episode, we explore the rapidly evolving world of AI processors; the firepower that makes everything from training, inference and processing possible

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AI Voice Generation with Brian Cook, CEO, WellSaid

AI Voice Generation with Brian Cook, CEO, WellSaid 1920 1080 Kane Simms

WellSaid is at the forefront of AI-generated voices and has been proving bleeding edge voice technology since late 2018.

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Agony Agent Roundtable #2

Agony Agent Roundtable #2 1920 1080 Ben McCulloch

In this episode of Agony Agent, Ben McCulloch welcomes conversation design experts Ilana Meir and Peter Isaacs to tackle pressing issues faced by conversation AI designers.

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Generative AI and the future with Martin Musiol

Generative AI and the future with Martin Musiol 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Martin Musiol joins us as he shares his knowledge on all things AI.

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Vlad Vuskovic, Lead of Search at Google Cloud AI, Director of Product Management

Vlad Vuskovic, Lead of Search at Google Cloud AI, Director of Product Management 1920 1080 Rebecca Christie

I was joined by one of the founding team members of Google Assistant and all round AI legend, Vlad Vuskovic.

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Voice UX Design in a generative AI world with Cooper Johnson

Voice UX Design in a generative AI world with Cooper Johnson 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Cooper Johnson is a Voice UX Designer at Gridspace, one of the leading voice AI technology companies.

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Traversing the uncanny valley with Falene McKenna

Traversing the uncanny valley with Falene McKenna 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Falene McKenna is arguably the most charismatic member of the conversation design community.

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AI Design Principles

AI Design Principles 1920 1080 Kane Simms

Make consistently effective design decisions & improve user experience of AI services by adopting these AI Design Principles within your team and organisation.

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    🚨 Our 15 AI Trends in CX Insights Report is out now!
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